Woe To Him Who Is Alone
Woe To Him Who Is Alone
Ecclesiastes 4:9–10
No one wants to be alone. It’s... well lonely. As Christians or someone trying to follow God it is very easy to feel alone, but the truth is we are never truly alone.
Jesus says in Matthew 28:20 ”:and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” Joshua 1:9 “for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Romans 8:38-39, Deuteronomy 31:6, Isaiah 41:10, Hebrews 13:5.) We have example After example showing that God is always with us. The only way to separate us from God is by our own choices.
Not only do we always have God, but we also have each other, the Church. Hebrews 10:24-25 we are to consider one another. Romans 12:4-5, 10 says we are members of one another and we give preference to one another. Galatians 6:10 especially to the household of faith. 1 John 3:11 says to love one another. The purpose of the Church is to be there for each other, worship God, and help each other and others get to heaven. We are never truly alone unless we choose to be.