Samuel and the Importance of Communication
“Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” Prov. 18:21
It is amazing how God wired us. We can listen to a leader flap his gums for 30 minutes, flinging thoughts and ideas about the room. He just talks, opens his mouth to make a few sounds – and yet we want to get up and pursue those ideas. This is the power of communication. Proverbs 18:21 tells us, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.”
During his day, Samuel was Mr. Communication. Everyone listened to him. What kind of communicator was he? Look at the following examples:
1. He spoke words of revelation (7:3). His communication contained divine revelation, insights the people lacked.
2. He spoke words of inspiration (10:3-6). His communication inspired Saul top overcome his fears and step out.
3. He spoke words of exhortation (10:24). His communication encouraged the people to act and follow Saul as their new king.
4. He spoke words of affirmation (10:24). His communication affirmed, supported, and endorsed Saul publicly.
5. He spoke words of information (10:25). His communication overflowed with good content, edifying and teaching others.
6. He spoke words of declaration (12:20-25). His communication gave clear direction to the people and hope for their future.
How did he do it?
Each time Samuel spoke, he followed the rules below:
1. Simplify the message. He spoke forthrightly, clearly, and simply. No one wondered what he meant.
2. See the person. He always emphasized with others. He knew his audience.
3. Show the truth. He demonstrated credibility with his passion and his life. He lived what he said.
4. Seek the response. He always spoke with a purpose. When finished, he urged the people to obey God.
Sunday AM Lesson
“21” Crucial Qualities of Christians: #3 - COMMUNICATION
Proverbs 15:1-7
I. The Quality Defined
a. Prov. 15:2, 7
II. The Decree of Darius
a. Ezra 6:1-18
III. Jesus Models Clear Communication
a. Matt. 22:23-40
IV. Paul Argues His Case
a. Acts 26:1-32
V. Conclusion
a. Prov. 15:2, 7
Sunday PM Lesson
True Repentance
2 Cor. 7:1-12
I. The Necessity of Repentance
a. Matt. 3:1-2
b. Mark 1:14-15
c. Acts 2:22-23, 36-38
d. Acts 3:13, 19
e. Acts 8:22-23
II. The Nature of Repentance
a. Ps. 51
b. Ps. 51:1-2
c. Ps. 51:3-6
d. Ps. 51:7-12
e. Ps. 51:13-17
f. Ps. 51:18-19
g. Ps. 139:23-24
h. Ps. 19:12-14
III. The Result of Repentance
a. Matt. 3:8
b. Acts 26:20
c. 1 Cor. 6:9-11
d. 2 Cor. 7:9-11
e. Titus 2:11-14
f. Gal. 5:21
IV. Not Hypocritical Repentance
a. Matt. 3:7-8
b. Matt. 23:25-28
COMMUNICATION: Adam Failed to Connect with Eve
Gen. 2:15-17; 3:1-6
In Genesis 3 we see a leader who failed in an area crucial to all leaders: Communication. By failing to communicate effectively with his wife, Adam botched his role as the first spiritual leader of the human race.
God clearly told Adam that a certain tree was off limits. “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat,” God told him, “but the three of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die” (Gen. 2:16, 17). At the time Adam received this command, Eve was not present; according to Genesis 2, she had not yet been created. Consequently, it was up to Adam to pass along what God had said.
So why didn’t Adam clearly communicate God’s instructions for Eve? Why the breakdown in the line of communication? Certainly, Eve did not completely understand what would happen if she ate the forbidden fruit. Consider her muddled response to the serpent: “God has said, ‘You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die” (Gen. 3:3). Eve added the phrases, “nor shall you touch it,” and “lest you die.” God never said any such thing. So, where did she get her faulty information?
Adam’s communication with Eve broke down for five basic reasons:
1. He ignored some details in the message he was supposed to communicate.
2. He allowed Eve’s voice to influence him more than God’s voice.
3. He failed to hold himself accountable for his communication.
4. He forgot what God had said about the consequences of disobedience.
5. He did not take responsibility for the results of his faulty communication.
Let’s learn from Adam’s mistakes & pay close attention to God’s Word!