Putting Others First
1 Samuel 30:17-20
David illustrates the leadership quality of servanthood in a positive way. His leadership was first and foremost about serving his team, not about his own fame or conquest. First Samuel 30 instructs us about relationships and partnerships. After conquering the Amalekites, David and his men took huge plunder. However, some of his older troops who were too tired to fight stayed back to help with supplies. It would have been easy for the troops who actually did the fighting to say: If you didn’t show up to the battle, you don’t get to share in the rewards! Surely some of those soldiers must have had this assumption. David resolved the conflict by calmly helping them all see that since God was the source of their victory and since those who helped with the supplies did play a role, they should all share in the plunder. David later turned this decision into a policy for Israel. Clearly, David valued every partner in the equation. His leadership was about service to others rather than accumulating wealth and power for oneself. Modeling this leadership quality did plenty of good things for David’s situation as a leader.
The Results of David’s Servant Leadership
1. Helped others see the contribution of every man’s gift.
2. Reminded David’s men God is true source of every good gift.
3. Promoted goodwill in potential allies, resources David enjoyed later as king.
4. Enabled David to prepare for the future by making him friends all over Israel.
5. Developed a nationwide value of mutual benefit and good faith among people.
Sunday Morning
“21” Crucial Qualities of Christians: #19 – SERVANTHOOD
Mark 10:42-45
I. The Quality Defined
a. Mark 10:45
II. David Stands Up for the Men Who Stayed Behind
a. 1 Sam. 30:1-31
III. The Samaritan Stops to Help
a. Luke 10:25-37
IV. Jesus Provides the Ultimate Visual Aid
a. John 13:1-17
V. Conclusion
a. Mark 10:45
Sunday Evening
Living Water Flows Around the World
John 7:37-39
I. Christ Died & Arose that All May Live
a. Zech. 13:1
b. 1 Tim. 2:5-6
c. Rom. 5:6-10
II. Christ Offers Salvation to All Men
a. Matt. 28:18-20
III. Living Water Flowed to Jews
a. Acts 1:4-5
b. Acts 2:16-17
c. Acts 2:36-39
IV. Living Water Flowed to Gentiles
a. Acts 10:34-48
V. Living Water Flows Around the World Today!
a. Mark 16:15-16
A Conflict Between Two Worldviews
John 8:1-59
John 8 depicts one long showdown between two conflicting worldviews. It begins with the woman caught committing adultery (v. 1-11), then moves to an argument between Jesus and the Pharisees about their fleshly judgment (vv. 12-30). Next, the Lord explains what it means to truly be born of Abraham (vv. 31-47). Finally, He debates the synagogue leaders about His identity (vv. 48-59).
The flawed worldview of the Jewish leaders contributed greatly to their continuing in ability to understand Jesus. They sat in a place of power and feared being displaced. Jesus taught that leadership meant serving others; they sought titles and positions of honor. Jesus taught that leadership meant giving up rights; they took pride in their heritage as sons of Abraham. Jesus told them that their actions revealed their true father – and that’s when they had had enough. This Jesus simply was too radical for them.
Still, they couldn’t win a debate with Him. He seemed to know the Scriptures better than they did! He was different from them – but much to their disappointment, He was right.
The Pharisees sought power and already competed with the Roman Empire for control of the masses. Not only did they have to deal with their own king, Herod, but they also needed to consider a Roman governor named Pontius Pilate. Consequently, they protected every bit of turf they could.
Dos this sound like any leader you know? Someone who fights to maintain manmade traditions and rules? Someone blind to the needs of others and preoccupied with himself or herself? Such leaders stand in contrast to the servant leadership Jesus modeled.