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Sad Words in the Bible

The Bible contains a long list of sad words. Sad words are often connectedwith grief. The word grief is defined as “The pain of mind occasioned by ourown misconduct; sorrow or regret that we have done wrong; painaccompanying repentance. We feel grief when we have offended or injured afriend, and the consciousness of having offended the Supreme Being, fills thepenitent heart with the most poignant grief.” That is according to Webster’sAmerican Dictionary of the English Language. So, with that definition inmind, let’s consider eight statements in Scripture that truly hold within themthis “grief” and make up sad words in the Bible.“Some Mocked” (Acts 17:32-34). As the apostle Paul addressed thoseof Athens he preached to them the truth of Christ and His resurrection. Thiswas a strange teaching to Paul’s audience for they were worshipping idolsrepresenting just about everything under the sun. So when Paul preached theTruth of Jesus, while there were some who believed there were “some” who“mocked.” The word mock means: “ridicule; derision; sneer; an actmanifesting contempt.” It is indeed very sad when people make fun of theresurrection of Christ. It is sad to mock at the resurrection because: by theresurrection, Jesus is declared to be the Son of God with Power (Rom. 1:4); Itis sad to mock at the resurrection because baptism saves by the resurrection (1Pet. 3:21); It is sad to mock at the resurrection because by the resurrection, menare begotten unto a lively hope (1 Pet. 1:3). The words, “some mocked” aresad words in the Bible.“We will not walk in it” (Jer. 6:16). Jeremiah, God’s prophet, pleadedfor God’s people to walk in the old paths. But they, like many today, said, “wewill not walk in it” and that is sad. Today God’s people are called upon to

walk “in newness of life” (Rom.6:4); Today God’s people are called to “walkin the light” (1 John 1:7); Today God’s people are called upon to walk “byfaith” (2 Cor. 5:7); Today God’s people are called upon to walk “worthy of ourcalling” ( Eph. 4:1); Today God’s people are called upon to walk “in Love”(Eph.5:1-2); Today God’s people are called upon to walk “honestly” or“properly” (1 Thess. 4:12); It is sad to say, “We will not walk in it.”“Who have strayed concerning the truth” (2 Tim. 2:17-18). Manyhave obeyed the truth but have strayed, and this is sad. To stray concerning thetruth is sad because we stray from that which makes us free (John 8:32). Whenwe stray from the truth, we leave that which saves (James 1:21). There is noother way except the way of truth. So the phrase, “Who have strayedconcerning the truth” are some sad words in the Bible.“Concerning the faith have made shipwreck” (1 Tim. 1:19-20).When one has been obedient to the faith and then makes shipwreck of the faith,it is sad. There is no uglier sight to a sailor than a wrecked ship. Many ayoung person has made shipwreck of their faith. Many do so by: “having theirfaith overthrown” (2 Tim. 2:17-18). Many make shipwreck of their faith bydeparting from the faith (1 Tim. 4:1-4). Many make shipwreck of their faithsimply by denying the faith (1 Tim. 5:8). Many also make shipwreck of theirfaith by casting off faith (1 Tim. 5:12). The words, “concerning the faith havemade shipwreck” are some sad words in the Bible.“And the door was shut” (Matt. 25:10). The foolish virgins thatstarted down the right path failed to stay ready for the bridegroom. They didnot get to go in for when they returned the door was shut. It is sad when peopledie unprepared to meet God, for the door will never be opened again! Thewords, “And the door was shut” make up sad words in the Bible.“Depart from Me” (Matt. 25:41). No one should ever want to hearthese sad words from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. However, he doeswarn that these words will be used (Matt. 7:21-23). These sad words are usedon those who fail to use their talents (Matt.25:30). These words are used onthose who are not benevolent (Matt. 25:41). A description is given of what willhappen to those who are told these sad words, “in flaming fire takingvengeance on those who do not know God, and on those who do not obey thegospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9 These shall be punished with everlastingdestruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power…”(2 Thess. 1:8-9). To be told “Depart from Me” is extremely sad. “Go away for now” (Acts 24:25). From Acts 24:24-27 we readconcerning a study of the Word of God between the apostle Paul and a mannamed Felix. When Felix tells Paul to “Go away for now” he is expressingvery sad words for Felix was so close to the truth. Paul had been teachingFelix concerning righteousness, temperance and the judgment. Felix heard thetruth! When we look at the rest of Scripture we never read concerning theobedience of Felix. Some of the saddest words in the Bible are when Felixsays, “Go away for now.” How many today, have said these same words?How many of have passed from this life having said these very words? Howvery sad to have the truth within your grasp and then to say, “Go away fornow.”“Almost” (Acts 26:28). As Paul stood before Agrippa Paul recognizedthat Agrippa was a believer (Acts 26:27). Agrippa, however, didn’t believeenough for he said, “You almost persuade me to become a Christian.” Agrippawas “almost” a Christian. Like Felix, Scripture doesn’t reveal the conversionof Agrippa. This “almost” much like “go away for now” happens to so manyevery day and this is sad. We don’t want anyone to be like Agrippa and“almost” be persuaded to be a Christian.These sad conditions and words that make up “sad words in the Bible”do not have to be. We can change them. We can change them by obeying thegospel. We can accept the resurrection of Jesus Christ and not “mock” it; Wecan “walk in” the word of God unlike those in Jeremiah’s day who chose “wewill not walk in it”; We can be diligent not to “stray from the truth”; We canbe diligent not to “make shipwreck of our faith”; We can be prepared so whenthe door opens we can go in before “it is shut”; We can avoid hearing thephrase “depart from me” by obeying the commands of Christ; We can welcomethe teaching of Christ instead of saying “Go away for now”; and we can be“fully persuaded” to become a Christian instead of “almost.”

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